>The job system is blatantly worse than DQ6, with more jobs but more overlap between them or outright useless abilities, jobs that give you literally nothing on certain level ups, the same stupid "your level is too high so you dont get job exp anymore" system, and they didn't even meaningfully reduce the grind needed to upgrade (its only like 10-20 less fights >God damn its like 20 fucking hours before you even get access to the job system, and the whole time before that its just keifer/dog spamming 1 move endlessly while the hero heals and maribel pretends to be useful. >You spend most of this game with only 3 party members as a result, especially if you go as long as possible before finding melvin before the game forces you to do it, this makes forming any kind of personal strategy with the job system (the appeal of this sort of mechanic) largely impossible for the majority of the game
>Keifer and Maribel, characters who the protagonist has history with, are there for the plot kicking off and who actually have a personality fuck off for all/large part of the game, leaving DQ7 to have the absolute worst party in the whole series with the most boring MC, dog/old man who have nothing interesting to say, and the girl who is kind of a mediocre mix of the two actually good party members who fucked off >have to go through several layers of bullshit to swap worlds because they didn't feel like letting you just zoom between areas, instead you need to walk through a bunch of areas with either no enemies or very weak ones over and over to swap worlds >Multiple worlds is more just a way to save assets and pad out the game than actual depth, because the world itself is often extremely linear with only one place to go, just a lack of instructions on where exactly the one place you're allowed to go to accomplish anything is (compare w/ dq3 that let you obtain the orbs in mostly any order, and which let you rush for the ship or do other areas in europe first) >Characters have barely any abilities because of the job system, but the job system is grindy as fuck and you don't get it until 1/3rd through a lengthy jrpg >Most boring party members in any DQ game (party chat is not a substitute for doing jack shit in the plot for literally dozens of hours at a time besides being a warm body that fights things)
>Bosses are almost always immune or nearly immune to status effects so every single fight is a tank and spank grind, encouraged by infinite use healing items that makes getting to the boss with full resources really easy comparatively DQ8 was a whole game of people being british just because square enix wanted to dub the game cheaply and did it in the UK, but DQ11 going from oi m8 to haiku to whatever the fuck they're doing in the snow area, to the point where erik/sylvando speak in a way that reflects on their homeland way before you go there - that's interesting.ĭQ5 randomly making your retainer extremely mexican even though nobody in your kingdom (or anywhere in the world, for that matter) speaks mexican? that's fucking stupid, especially since its all text so you have to fucking decipher this bullshit instead of being able to hear it spoken - I can't imagine being like 10 years old trying to play some of the DS games and literally having no idea what the fuck people are saying because you don't have enough grasp on your language yet to mentally fill in the blanks when someone butchers it They work well in DQ11 but only because that game is actually consistent with them and the areas are based on earth cultures again instead of Generic Fantasy RPG World like 4-9 were. The accents are fucking retarded because they genuinely make it harder to suspend your disbelief and get immersed in the world. You can read the prologue and the first chapter in Japanese here.ĭragon Quest IX DLC/Treasure Map Searcher: ĭQ Artbooks, Guide Books, Non-H Doujins: A prequel of Dai's manga, featuring Avan-sensei, got a physical release. Xross Blade will be an arcade game, Tamashii no Kizuna, localised as Hero's Bond, will be a mobile game, and Infinity Strash will be an ARPG. 3 different Dai games have been announced with release dates between 20.

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